Friday, July 25, 2008

Hebrew and Preaching Opportunity

Jill has been posting all of our blogs before, but she has reminded me how this is "our" blog and that "I" can also make posts. Therefore, I am taking this opportunity to write my first post. Today, I concluded my fifth of six Hebrew tests. [Side note: I thought of turning my cell phone off before taking the test, but no one ever calls that early in the morning or during a HEBREW exam. At least that was before today... and Mitchell called!! Because my phone consistently buzzes after a missed call until I open it up, I had a nice little pocket buzz every few minutes reminding me that I should have turned off my phone. I didn't want to pull out my phone and make my professor think I was cheating. So I just let the buzz continue.]

Only one more test to go (Aug. 8th) and four more quizzes before this intense summer session comes to a close. Because I have been doing so much reading from right to left, as Hebrew is to be read, I have caught myself reading things in English from right to left. So far it hasn't been anything too serious, but all it would take is just one time of reading the pop tart directions, in the wrong order, on how to prepare it in the microwave (heating it before removing it from the aluminum foil) to create a few fireworks. Of course, if I have to read directions on a pop tart I've have a whole other set of problems.

Get your plane tickets ready! I have been given the opportunity to preach on the last three Sundays in August. A pastor friend of mine is leaving his church and has asked me to fill in as the church looks for a new pastor. The name of the church is Valleyview Baptist Church and is located in Nocona, TX. Please be in prayer that I am able to discern what the Lord would have me say and for this church as they seek a pastor. Oh, and I was totally kidding about the plane tickets. Caravans are also acceptable.


Anonymous said...


Our pastor recently left at 1st Baptist Jefferson. Get me your resume and I will turn it for you.

See you Oct. 4


To bad you arent free on Sat we could all go the UT game.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Tim and Jill, Wish we cold stand the heat in Texas and we would be there to see you. So instead we are headed to Niagara Falls to witness some of Gods beauty. Think of you guys often and do enjoy the Blog.
Love, Phil and Nancy Bryant